
Old Path's Tabernacle Christian Academy
Old Path’s Tabernacle Christian Academy (OPTCA for short) is a ministry of Old Path’s Tabernacle Holiness Church. Our school is a small, private, Christian school, that offers small class sizes, and education from a Christian perspective using the Abeka Curriculum.

Peanut Butter & Jesus
Peanut Butter & Jesus (PB & Jesus) is an outreach ministry that many churches use to reach their community at large. At OPT, we use this ministry to reach out into our community to witness to and pray for those in need in our town. We primarily focus on three properties in Kilgore, where we go door to door with a bag of goodies that contains a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a juice box/pouch, a gummy snack, and a Gospel track. We ask each person what we can help them pray about, and we bring their needs back to the church and ask the church to pray. This ministry is done the third Saturday of each month.
Children's Church
Once a month, we have Children’s Church for all the kiddos up through age 9. Professor Persuasion and his assistant, Kimmie Cool, have a devotion, sing songs, play games, have an experiment, all themed around God’s word! Take a sneak peek at what goes on in Children’s Church by watching the video to the right!
Considering visiting us, but not sure if there is something for the kids, or when that it? We have Sunday School every week, and this special Children’s Church is the third Sunday or every month!

Youth Group
Throughout the course of the month, there are multiple youth events.
We have a choir that meets at least twice a month to practice songs, old and new alike, to sing in our services. The teens have a Teen Night once a month, where we come together for a devotion, food, fun, an games, with the occasional outing for coffee or an escape room.
The last Sunday of each month, we host a “Youth Day”. Between morning and evening service, the youth 10 and up are invited to spend the afternoon together for a meal, devotion, games, and fun. This opportunity give all of the youth a chance to “hang out” with each other in a safe environment. The youth participate in “Carboard Witnessing” each month by standing at the edge of the church property near Stone Road and witness to the community with their unique signs as they drive by.
How can I serve the church?
Our church has many different ministries, as you can see from this page. Often times we can ask ourselves, “What can I do to help?” Ministries like these require both finances and volunteers, but most importantly, each of these ministries needs the prayers of the church.
Prayer warriors are the glue that help keep it all together. As cliché as it may sound, the phrase, “Prayer changes things!” still proves to be true. When a church prays together, and believes God, the outcomes are limitless. As you pray how to serve the church, allow God to give you a burden in prayer for one or all of the ministries, and pray daily that the Lord will bless all of our ministries at OPT.